Node.js is an event-driven runtime system, which uses the Google V8 JavaScript engine. It’s used by scalable applications that need live interaction between a web server and the online users and can noticeably boost the performance of any site that’s using it. Node.js is intended to process HTTP web requests and responses and ceaselessly supplies small bits of information. For instance, in case a new user fills in a registration form, the moment any information is inserted in any of the boxes, it’s submitted to the server even if the remaining fields are not filled and the user has not clicked any button, so the info is processed much faster. In contrast, traditional systems wait for the entire form to be filled and one massive chunk of information is then forwarded to the server. No matter how small the difference in the information processing speed may be, circumstances change when the website expands and there are a lot of people using it simultaneously. Node.js can be used by online reservation portals, real-time browser video games or online chat portals, for instance, and many companies, including eBay, LinkedIn and Yahoo, have already incorporated it into their services.

Node.js in Web Hosting

All web hosting that we’re offering come with Node.js and you are able to add this cutting-edge event-driven platform to your account using the Add Services/Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to pick the number of instances for this specific upgrade, i.e. how many separate platforms/websites will use Node.js at the same time, and you can run as many instances as you need. The Hepsia Control Panel will also allow you to choose the location of your .js app and to decide whether you’ll use a dedicated IP or the physical server’s shared one. Accessing Node.js will be possible via a randomly generated port chosen by our cloud platform. What’s more, you can stop or reboot any instance that you’ve activated, edit the location of the .js app or check the output of the running instances with just a few clicks from your web hosting Control Panel using an incredibly easy-to-navigate GUI.

Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to use Node.js for any real-time script-powered web app hosted in a semi-dedicated server account, since the Node.js platform comes bundled with all our semi-dedicated server hosting plans and you can activate it with only a few clicks of the mouse. If you wish to use it for several websites, you can get more instances via the Hepsia Control Panel’s Upgrades section. The setup is as easy as adding the location of your .js file and choosing if Node.js should use a dedicated IP or any of the physical server’s shared IPs, so you can make the most of Node.js even if you have no previous experience with a similar software platform. Our system will also allocate a randomly generated port which will be used to access the .js file for the specific app. Hepsia has an easy-to-use graphical interface that will permit you to reboot and to stop any of your existing instances, to create new ones or to check the output of your apps with just one single click.

Node.js in Dedicated Servers

Node.js is available with all dedicated servers on which our custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel is installed. The latter offers a very intuitive and user-friendly interface, so even if you’ve never worked with the Node.js platform before, you will be able to unveil its full potential in just a few easy steps. As soon as you have uploaded the application’s content, you’ll have to indicate the directory path to the particular .js files that will use Node.js and to pick the IP address that they will use (shared or dedicated), whereas our system will set a random port number that will be used to access the files in question. There’s no constraint on the total number of instances that you can enable and use simultaneously and you’ll have complete command over them from the Hepsia Control Panel – you will be able to get new ones or to discontinue/reboot existing ones, to view the output log for each application, and so on.