1-click Applications Installer in Web Hosting
The 1-click script installer that we provide is available with each and every web hosting 100 % free. You can pick from 50+ apps which will allow you to create any type of site - a web shop, a forum, a personal portfolio or an image gallery. All you have to do is to choose a script and a domain, input the login details for the administration area that you want to have and that's it! Within a few minutes our system will install that script and you will be able to sign in to the back office to start building the website. There is no limit on the number of scripts you’ll be able to install or how many copies of a given script you can use at the same time and you can access the installer using your hosting Control Panel. With our tool, you can forget about investing in web design services since you can create a professional and dynamic site effortlessly.
1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server plans include an easy-to-use 1-click script installer, that will allow you to set up 50 plus different applications for any of your domain names or subdomains. With just a few mouse clicks you can launch an electronic commerce site, a real estate portal or a forum and all you'll have to do will be to select the script and the domain name, then to pick some username and password for the administration area and to press the Install button. Our system will perform the necessary in just a matter of minutes and you will be able to reach the administration area right away in order to begin adding your text and images. In this way, you will not have to do anything manually, so you can create a feature-rich, dynamic site even though you may have never had a hosting account before. There's no limit how many scripts you can use at one time or how many times you can install a particular script.