ZFS, which stands for Z File System, is a progressive file system which offers better performance for web sites and online programs. One of its main advantages is the real-time checksum comparison - each file has a checksum, or a digital fingerprint, and ZFS compares the checksums of all the files between the different hard drives working together within a RAID. If any file is damaged for whatever reason on one of the hard drives, it is repaired from another travel with the correct checksum. This way, the integrity of any file saved on a web server is guaranteed constantly. ZFS also works considerably quicker than other file systems, that permits backups to be generated faster and without slowing down the performance of the entire server. Furthermore, ZFS does not have a restriction for the total number of files that can be stored on a web server while all other file systems have some limit that might cause problems eventually, specifically for script programs that have a huge number of files.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Web Hosting

If you opt to host your websites within a web hosting account from our company, you shall experience the benefits of the ZFS file system first-hand because we use it on all hosting servers which are part of our ground breaking cloud platform. Your files, email messages and databases will be stored on web servers that use NVMe drives and a great deal of physical memory that makes it easy to utilize the whole potential of the ZFS file system. Due to the fact that backups are generated considerably quicker, we shall keep 4 copies of all your content each day, so in case you delete a file or some update ruins your website, you can quickly restore everything the way it was using the browsable backups that are available within your Control Panel. In the case of a web server failure, it takes mere seconds to switch to a backup machine and by employing the ZFS system, we guarantee that the new hosting server shall have the most up-to-date copy of your website and that none of your files will be damaged. Our ZFS-powered hosting solutions will provide you with the speed, stability and safety which you want for your sites.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Semi-dedicated Servers

Considering all the advantages which ZFS has over other file systems out there, we've made a decision to use it on all our hosting servers that are a part of the state-of-the-art cloud platform in which new semi-dedicated server accounts are set up. Powerful servers with hundreds of gigabytes of physical memory and NVMe drives shall ensure the best possible performance of the file system and of any site hosted on our end. We use the same setup for storing not just the files that you upload, but also any databases you make and emails that you receive, which increases the quality of our service noticeably over what you could find on the market. Not only shall there be no limit to the amount of files and email messages you may have at any moment, but you will also have four browsable backups of all of your content each and every day and the backup generation will not impact the server performance. Offering such a number of backups is due to the superior data compression rates the ZFS system delivers. Because all files are checked out in real time, we could also switch to a backup server within a few moments if there is a problem with any server and the information on it will be the latest one, so you will never need to consider the reliability of your hosting service or stress about losing any content.