Free Dedicated IP

No-cost dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP address is listed at zero cost with the semi-dedicated 2 server set-up. You’ll be able to use it from the minute you are able to access the Web Site Control Panel. With a dedicated IP address, you will be able to maximize the uniqueness of your website, to easily setup an SSL certificate for your web site, or even register your very own name servers that will point to your own IP address.

And additionally, if at any time you need an additional dedicated IP address, you are able to get it at a promotional price straight from your Web Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

No cost SSH access for your machine

Our semi-dedicated servers have SSH access rights, which allows you to communicate straight with the server, without needing to use the Web Site Control Panel. You will be able to work with your data files, databases, email and everything connected with your sites. Since you share the server with just a couple of other consumers, you’ll not have root privileges to customize the server’s configuration.

With the smaller plan, SSH access offered as an additional service, while with the bigger configuration it comes as a cost-free add-on.

SSH Access

24x7 Support

Email us anytime

You might contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with any concerns that you could possibly have about our semi-dedicated servers. Don’t hesitate to email us by using email and via the ticket system and we’re going to reply back to you in up to 1 hour. In fact, our common reaction time is as low as 20 min. On trading days, you might give us a call or use the live chat program on our store.

24x7 Support

File Manager

Drag–and–drop file uploads and a lot more

Thanks to the drag–and–drop file transfer functionality built into the Web Applications, you could neglect File Transfer Protocol software. Just drop a data file in the list of the data files intended for your web site and the Web Server Web Site Control Panel will load it there. Should you upload an archive, you will be able to extract it with a click. The right–click contextual menus in the File Manager will make you feel as though you’re working with your home PC. You can start off doing work on your web site as soon as you sign in.

File Manager

Scripting Support

PHP, Perl, Python, MySQL and PgSQL fully supported

Create a PHP–centred webpage. Build a Python web app. Employ the power of over 3000 Perl components. Hold your details in PgSQL or MySQL data bases. Make InnoDB tables. Use remote MySQL interactions. You can do all the abovementioned and far more with all of the semi-dedicated servers that we are selling. There aren’t any further fees at all – all the things are contained in your package deal from the beginning.

Scripting Support


A risk–free app firewall software

Secure your applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hacker attacks with ModSecurity. It is a web application firewall designed to shield applications against hacking attacks. We’ve set up the firewall to ward off all commonplace site attacks instantly. By rule, ModSecurity is allowed for every website host, yet you will be able to disable it for for just about any website that you choose.


  • Semi Dedicated 2

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  • Service guarantees

  • Each one of Web Server’s semi-dedicated servers is going to be configured for your needs free of cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access privileges.
  • Compare our prices

  • Examine the tools and capabilities provided by the semi-dedicated servers. Get started with a smaller server configuration and move up with simply a mouse click when your online presence grows.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • We are online round the clock to respond to any sort of inquiries with regards to our semi-dedicated servers. 1–hour reply–back time warranty.